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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Home Based Internet Business

By Pete D Burns

Of all the best home based businesses the top home business is International Internet Marketing, it allows you sell your products any where in the world any time day or night. You have millions of potential customers and there is almost an unlimited amount of money to be spent...certainly enough to satisfy any single Internet Marketing small business.

Then why is it that the overwhelming majority of folk who desperately want "stay at home jobs" fail so miserably in there online marketing quest. The appalling attrition rate, usually estimated at about %97 although some estimate as high as %81 is insane in an industry where so much money is being spent.
So if it is not the of lack customers that causes this International Internet Marketing disaster...what is it?
The answer mainly lies in the simple but unpleasant truth that most people don't treat their online business as a "proper" business. They have no structure, no business plan, not enough personal skills and do not have a clear and complete picture of what their business should look like.

Now what if all those unfulfilled IM souls new what the Gurus know in terms of How to run a profitable home based Internet Businesses, what do you think the failure rate would be then? A lot lower, no doubt about that, but there will always be people who will follow the impossible dream of millions of dollars for no or little work and no planning whatsoever.

The instant gratification mentality is a disaster, if you want something worthwhile it usually takes time and consistent effort in order to achieve it.  There are NO short cuts if you want to be in the "top home business". You need to do the ground work first if you want to succeed; otherwise you HAVE to expect to be one of the %97 rather than the one of the %3

Now I have to say here that I WAS one of the %97 but thankfully not any longer...and you've got to know what a relief that is. I was fortunate enough to find a mentor and coach called Alex Jeffreys who has helped me build myself up from Zero to...not quite hero yet as it is early days.  I have learned so much about building and running a business the correct way. It has included amongst many other aspects of Internet Marketing, Techniques for list building and different ways of generating traffic and of course blogging.

Without the skills that I am learning I would still be exactly where I was before I started the Alex Jeffreys coaching AND we are still only just over half way through it. Start from to day, learn what you need to do to have serious success in your home based Internet Businesses, Time goes by anyway whether you're being productive or not...that no one can control!  But you can control what is done with that time.
What's for certain is that A day, A week, A month, A year, Will all go by and you will have to ask your self what have you done in that time to grow and run your home based business. Even for those that only want part time careers to make extra money from home the same principle applies.

You may as well earn as much as you can for the time you put in...That makes sense doesn't it? Go on and start the process now and see what an enormous difference it will make in the not to distant future. Well now it is up to you to get out of your rut and take some action that is going to a make real difference to your own Internet Marketing Home Based Business
Be Successful
Pete Burns
Learn to be one of the 3%, strike whilst the iron is hot and click on the link below for your absolutely FREE training. (no catches I promise) If you'd like to visit my blog I would pleased to meet you there, feel free to leave a comment and I will happily reply to you.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Review of David Wood - The Article Marketing Rockstar
By Claire Morawski

In the past 3 months I have learnt a lot from various, great leaders in the internet marketing industry. However, I decided that I want David Wood as one of my mentors, as somehow I realized that this person has a lot to offer. I decided to join the Marketing Funnel System through him. This is a System that we both found invaluable for our business.
Who exactly is David Wood?
About seven years ago, David got involved in the network marketing industry. Because he knew no better, he followed what his upline taught him, and was doing the old traditional network marketing methods. He failed in the first 2 companies he got involved in, and in his third attempt he became somewhat successful, because of his persistency and determination to make it work, and because of his right mental attitude, which I highly encourage, of continuous personal development and growth. However, he wanted more than just that - he had better visions of how he wanted his life to be like.Failing 3 times was a blessing in disguise, because it helped to lay the grounds to what happened to him next. In a short period of time, he went from struggling to massive success - and all this because of his determination that lead him to figure out the secrets of the network marketing industry.
How did he do it?
Let's look first at some of his characteristics that I admire. Most importantly, he has the mindset of an entrepreneur. He is 100% focused - he has his eyes fixed on his goals, and knows the process he will be implementing to get him there. Because I have been following David from nearly the very beginning of when he started online, I have had the privilege to watch David grow from someone determined, but still testing his grounds, to someone who is confident, a true 'alpha-networker', yet still down-to-earth, in just 4 months. And, seeing this change for myself, gave me the encouragement necessary to believe that I, and anybody for that matter, can succeed online - only if you have the drive, enthusiasm, passion, determination, attitude of embracing personal growth and mindset that David Wood has.
In addition, he is creative - always coming up with innovative ideas, he is a great entrepreneur with laser focused vision, and he is on fire, working hard to achieve his dreams. And it is all these characteristics combined, that have enabled David to win several contests so far - a sum of money for the team who sells the most copies of the ebook Magnetic Sponsoring, dealing with Attraction Marketing principles, and a brand new BMW for the person who generates the most sign-ups in the Marketing Funnel System mentioned above.
Speaking of Attraction Marketing, it's good to note that David has himself embraced the principles of Attraction Marketing, and has successfully developed himself to be an individual who attracts people to his business. This is one of the fundamental 'secrets' that one has to acknowledge, to be able to prosper like David and other industry leaders. David Wood also mastered another 'secret', which is that relationships come before recruiting, that is one has to focus on having a series of exposure before even expecting people to join you.
David also came to understand something that 99% of entrepreneurs will never grasp or implement. Even though all businesses are competitive in some way or another, yet David has an 'Abundance Mindset', and figured out that eventually everyone will benefit, when he decided to reveal ALL his top online article marketing secrets for free during the training call. With this mindset, David also does free weekly training calls to people on his list, because he is a huge fan and understands the importance of personal development and personal growth. And I think it is this common approach - of giving without hesitation, before expecting anything in return - which 'attracted' me to David, and which leads us to prosper - because in the end everyone will benefit, as the internet is so vast that there is enough opportunity and money for everyone to gain success and financial freedom.
My Invitation to YOU
David and I have implemented strategies in our businesses, because we believe in personal growth, and hence have continued to search for answers on how to grow our businesses. We soon found out through experience, that 'old school' MLM strategies, such as prospecting to complete strangers, opportunity meetings and in-home presentations, are outdated techniques. We have moved forward, and have embraced elite marketing strategies which took our businesses to the next level - using the internet to leverage our success.
Claire Morawski wrote this Review of David Wood to help inspire people like you to realize that everyone can make it with the right training and mindset. Visit Claire Morawski's MLM Training, and I'll introduce you to David Wood and other leading MLM trainers, and I'll personally train you how to build your business successfully using internet marketing.

Online Classifieds - Description and How They Work
Online classifieds can be very helpful due to a number of reasons. The first reason would be the fact that they will be able to expand your business. So how does this work? It is not a very difficult concept. It is normally done through some steps which will be done by the owner of the business together with the ad hosting website. The first step would be the owner of the business to create the advertisement. They can be able to do this through the use of a marketing professional or by their own.
Most of the present day online classifieds will be found to be done by their owners. The reason behind this is the fact that it will cost less to create your own website rather than get a professional to do it for you. As a result, you will be saving money. There are several advertisement creation tools that can be found on many internet sites. These tools are user friendly and they are easy to use. A business man should use the tools to create a very attractive advert. They can also incorporate convincing text such that the person who will see the advertisement will be able to be convinced of the goodness of the good and / or service.
The second step of having online classifieds will be to look for strategic places to place them. Just placing adverts anywhere will not be necessarily the key to have a successful advertising strategy. You will need to do some research so that you can be able to know the ad posting sites which will result with the highest number of returns. This will be determined by the product that you want to advertise. If you are advertising children products, concentrate on children related sites. This will enable you to get the best from your adverts.
Placing online classifieds should be done on a daily basis. Bear in mind that the more advertisements you place, the higher the chance of getting sales from them. Once you have completed these steps, the final thing to do will be to monitor your adverts. By monitoring the adverts, you will be able to know which of them will be productive and those that are not. If you happen to find that some of your adverts are not getting any sales, you can be able to re-post them in other sites. You should be able to do this until you find that your advert that wasn't performing has started getting recognition. When you follow these steps diligently, you will be able to have a successful business growth in a short time. This is how online classifieds work.
Post your free classified Ads and Generate ton's of Traffic to Your website at

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Making Internet Marketing Work For You

While not everyone is destined to be a genius in their field of business, it does seem that almost everyone is cashing in on the Internet craze. Even minimally savvy entrepreneurs are rolling out products and services, promoting them with various types of Internet marketing. The problem is that they are often spending a whole lot of money doing it. The first techniques that they try might not be lucrative for them, and it may take awhile before they really find that marketing sweet spot. That just makes sense. There is a learning curve involved in any new endeavor. As a business person, how do you focus on your marketing, without breaking the bank?
One of the first things you should do is to look for the marketing strategies that you can use at no cost to you. These come in many forms. You can write how-to pieces or market articles. Most of these sites are free to use and you can include a link back to your website. When you draw a reader in, it attracts attention and you can get traffic, all at no cost. Once you become familiar with how the various free Internet marketing tools work, you can start to look for the best paid tools. You have already made it through the learning curve using the risk free strategies, so finding out where to invest will much easier.  With Internet marketing, the biggest challenge is to get your information into as many hands as possible, while being required to shake as few of them as necessary, figuratively speaking. Think about how you have seen things spread around the Internet. If you belong to any social networking sites, it seems like the same games and status posts jump from one group of friends to another, all at lightning speed. In cyber speak, this is known as viral information. It probably started with one person, but quickly spread to all the other people it touched. You can make your marketing do the same. This work especially well if you add your marketing message to another product or service that appeals to people, and allow others to pass it on as well. For example, if you are knowledgeable about something, develop an e-book. Or, just develop a strategically placed ad in someone else's.

Speaking of other people's products, never pass up the chance to network with other marketers! This is one of the best techniques to gain huge amounts of exposure. People who are in the business of selling information are almost always more than happy to work with you. If they have a product to sell, including your expertise in the package helps you both. They offer more value to their customers, while you get a huge amount of traffic generated to your own offerings. It's a win-win situation for both of you. Besides that, you didn't have to go find these customers. The owner of the original package has already driven the traffic for you. While it's true that business can be competitive, you're much more likely to do well if, instead, you let it be collaborative.
As you can see, you won't always learn the secrets of Internet marketing from traditional sources. You have to be willing to think outside the box in order to really be successful. You can certainly spend all day driving traffic and hoping for that high return. However, it's much better to let smarter marketing techniques work for you.  To find out how you can get started online for FREE go to

ClickBank, Ebooks & the Marketing Monster For Affiliate Marketing - Top 10 Marketing Strategies
Here you are, all hot and bothered about making all the money in the world by selling tremendous informational ebooks and making great gobs of commissions, pointing customers to sites like ClickBank and the thousands of information ebooks they promote.  So you have set up your ClickBank account, you have found the niche market you know something about and you have got yourself signed up as a affiliate with ClickBank.
Are the ebooks you're promoting the best choice for promotion?
Do they pay the best commissions?
Offer the best affiliate marketing tools?
Provide future sales?
Have a low refund rate?
What about a high gravity?
YOU BETTER FIND OUT before you stick yourself in the eye. ClickBank can answer all these questions for you.
So What's Next?
We must make the buying public know what we have to sell. Not just randomly notify everyone we can through whatever means possible, but through a highly specific means of mass marketing, not everyone but a select group will be keenly and specifically interested in what we have to sell. We must "TARGET" our market.  Out of the top 10 ways to market a digital product or material product, for that matter, article propagation submission and distribution provides the highest return on investment for the time invested. It's the #1 tool to start a campaign. In Other Words - STEP#1. I believe it is number one above PPC (Pay Per Click Google AdWords Campaign) for the following reasons.
1) It can be, for the most part, free
2) The rewards are long term and continually spread and expand through the internet.
3) The exposure grows and grows daily as well as sales.
However, although article marketing has great rewards in the long term with minimal dollar cost, it does take the most time and personal effort, it is very tedious, boring and for the most part a super repetitious bummer and pain in the...neck.  Fortunately there is a solution that can speed your marketing strategy, and move your product to the top in warp speed. Now because of a wondrous new company, this is one step in a multi layer marketing effort, that won't slow you down nor bore you to tears. This company will do it for you. In the time it takes you to submit one article they can literally submit up to 300 article submission sites, so you can write more articles, or proceed to:
#1) Article Marketing
#2) Search Engine Submissions
#3) Blog Submissions
#4) World Wide Classified Ad Submission
#5) Social Media Blast Submission, such as Twitter, Facebook, etc
#6) Cell phone Ad Submissions Such
#7) Printed Magazine and Newspaper Submissions
#9) Opt-in Email Mass bombardment blasting
#10 Pay Per Click (PPC)
Layer upon layer of hundreds of thousands of bright lights pointing back links to your product. It must start with the one avenue of highest ongoing response, and that is "article marketing." What a relief it is to have an excellent company doing the grunt work for a very reasonable price, freeing you to add more layers of marketing bombardment. This type of service will transform how people will be marketing online. With their planned expansion of other additional services, marketing hassles will be a thing of the past.  Shelly Adams has taken her new endeavor to new heights and has made a tremendous impact on an area which has been in dire need of help for years and years. Follow her to a new paradigm in advanced marketing capability for the masses. Thousands are responding but her team is more than able to handle the crowd. A Must See Website:

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How to Find an Internet Marketeer to Mentor You to Success 

It is certainly the case that to make money onthe internet many people jump straight in before they are properly prepared. You know that in any profession whether it be a brain surgeon, rocket scientist, a doctor, a joiner, a secretary, or a teacher there are prerequisites, things you need learn, before you can taste success, you don't just jump right in unprepared.  The same applies when creating an online business despite the fact that there are many so called "guru's" out there who would have you believe that it is all so easy.
Having trawled through the ether every Sunday morning for years, I was always coming across some very exciting opportunities. I would sign up after reading the sales pitch and then get started. Within a very short time I would get bogged down by technical requirements I didn't understand, or overwhelmed by thousands of methods I didn't know how to implement. And then guess what? I would end up shutting down my computer after an hour in sheer frustration and not returning to the program.  Most people, and I used to be one of them, will not make any money at all online and yet there are others who will make what to everyone else is a fortune in just one month and usually more than most people make in a whole year. Why is that?
Most of us don't have a clue where to start and so my answer begins by finding somebody who knows what they are doing and then copying what they have done to make money online. There are also thousands of people out there who profess to be "experts" on internet marketing when in fact who knows, they may be, but they are useless at conveying the methods. they use.

You need to find somebody who has a very disciplined and structured approach. There is no one single method which works on its own. Success is ultimately achieved by a combination of methods all working in tandem, Note: By the way it's your goal to get to the point where you can sell about anything online. That end skill and goal is a worthy one indeed.  Remember, there are many steps you must make before you see success in Internet Marketing but if you don't first find the right mentor it will always be a difficult path and will certainly cause you a lot of frustration on the way.  Maverick Money Makers is a private club that will teach you how to build a successful six-figure a month online business.  If you want to make money on the internet, join us in the club before it's too late.

The Easiest Way to Get a Free Or Paid Membership Site Up and Running in Less Than 60 Seconds Flat
We researched and looked at many different membership software applications including but not limited to, membership ease the instant membership site software creator, a member pro, easy member pro, member speed, and many many of the other free ones that are available in today's market.  A fair amount of some of the best and many of the not so best from what we have heard and from our own through investigation. So as we continued to search for the easiest and most flexible piece of software, including but not limited to the price for what you get. Because in today's economy were all looking at what things are going to cost us.
Right?  So we set forth to do some more research on all of these different membership software solutions and the many complicated software applications that out there. One after another we kept researching and testing, always finding the same conclusion.

Either they were too expensive for what they delivered or they were just not created to be easy enough or even possible for a Complete Newbie to be able to use them. So if you are someone that is still fairly new to the internet marketing scene you wouldn't have a fun time with most of them.  We in the internet marketing scene are always learning these new techniques, strategies and different software applications that can automate some of our work to help leverage our time and efforts in everything we do so we ultimately work smarter and not harder in accomplishing the daily tasks at hand.  That is where through our studies we have found only one to help even the newbie accomplish such a daunting task as setting up your own membership site quickly and easily. Funny enough the name of the product says it all. Thanks for reading we hope this review has been helpful.  For More Info on the membership site software Winner Please Visit: Membership ease. With Over 6 Years Experience as a Top ONLINE Marketer, Mentor, and Business Success Coach to Many New Entrepreneurs Worldwide..

Thursday, February 4, 2010

You Want to Make Money Online? Then You Need Killer Keyword Research 

An important feature of any internet venture is doing effective keyword research. It doesn't matter if you use the keywords for PPC or articles, keyword analysis tips will help your business.  You should make a list of all possible keywords which come to mind. Don't restrict yourself, get all the words linked to this list as well. For instance, if you are doing a project on weight loss then you can add words such as 'losing fat, healthy eating, fat burn.'  Don't neglect your competitors, keep an eye on the competition around you and check the top 10 sites that the search results bring up. You need to check the keyword meta tags in the HTML source code and note each and every keyword down. This is an important keyword research tip.  You now need to expand your list. Use a keyword tool like WordTracker or Google regularly and check how many daily searches you get for your keywords, don't go below 10 searches a day. Try wrongly spelled keywords and words with hypens as well.  Once you are ready with your keywords just remove the ones which are irrelevant. For instance, if your weight loss site doesn't have a connection with Atkins diet, then remove any keywords which include "Atkins" from your list.

Also use Google to check how many competitors you have for your keywords. Just use inverted commas around the keywords to see how many phrase match you get. You should use the keywords with not more than 15000 competing results, otherwise you will have too much competition. Use these in your articles and content for your web pages.  If you are using software for keyword research you would definitely save a lot of time. Some have a special feature which lists the number of pay-per-click campaigns for those keywords and the cost to you.   Just remember use any keyword which brings targeted visitors, this is important for your online success.  Tired and frustrated by the same old blah blah advice on making money online. Then..First, click  Get honest reviews on successful ways to succeed online. Next TRY one of them, they do work. Third, enjoy the site and pick up some tips. Fourth, there is no fourth, grab this opportunity and start making money online now, you deserve it

Internet Marketing For Newbies 
There are a lot of internet marketing tools that exists in the online world nowadays. A lot of marketers get confused on which marketing tool is most effective. Even more, a newbie in online marketing will most of the time be clueless and some might just stop along the way because of information overload and some, because of spending a lot for it.  This article is for those who are still unsure if they will push through with internet marketing, or those who are really clueless about it.  There is one thing you should know about internet marketing and it is that you can earn from anyone however you must be able to understand that there is a need for you to master at least one technique and be an average Joe at another. Many people might know a lot of strategies but they tend to be unsuccessful.  Article marketing is one of the best means to traffic generation in your website as there is a possibility of thousands of people going in and out of your site each month. If you will learn the science of keyword research, your website can be visited by lots and lots of people.

Another effective way is viral marketing. A lot of people tend to think it as hard but keep in mind it is free! There are websites which provide quick guides in setting up this type of marketing technique. Doing this once weekly can surely give you the amount of traffic you want to achieve.  Marketing strategies online is very important as no matter how good your products are in your online business, if you lack the skill, you might not succeed. It will probably take time for you to be able to manage everything. It depends on how much work daily you put into making it work well for you. Eileen Phua is a Singaporean Internet Marketer. She uses Internet Marketing to achieve Passive income. To find out more how she managed to do that, visit,

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Common Internet Marketing Misconceptions

Marketing is not an exact science; it is more of an art form that needs a talented artist to create a true masterpiece. That is not to say that an amateur couldn't make a nice painting or even have a successful internet marketing campaign. However, there are differences between the artists and the amateurs. It is not just inherent talent and experience that creates the artistic master. It is a deep and formal understanding of underlying concepts that allows that master to create a foundation which can be built upon and expanded. Internet marketing is very similar to creating a painting. Anyone can do it. Start a Twitter, a Facebook or a MySpace account and you are socially networking. Add some Google, Yahoo, or Bing keywords and you are internet marketing. Right?

Not necessarily so. Most businesses who market online use only a handful of methods to implement their plan with only a few options in terms of spreading money around to find more customers. At no point will they conduct an industry analysis or research the competitive landscape. As a result, their strategy is intuitive and flawed in a way that may not be detectable in a day to day examination. Below is a list that highlights some of those common misconceptions that seem to be commonplace in the online environment.  Intuition - This is the most common misconception in which the marketer believes that the keywords, phrases and strategies can be determined intuitively without any research. Even the best marketing masters will start with a research phase to determine the best course of action and any efficient model will have a research phase built in.  Budget - This is where many businesses fail to provide an opportunity for success. A typical small business will take profit and dissect it at the end of some time period. That is where the marketing budgets are typically created. Large organizations, however, typically build in a particular percentage of revenue from their product or service that will be dedicated for marketing. Marketing should not always be seen in terms of how much money was spent. In truth it should look at how much money was earned, compare to what was spent. This is called return on investment (ROI) and is the true measuring stick of any marketing effort, no matter how much it costs.

Tracking - One of the most basic failures in marketing is to fail in understanding how clients find an organization. If a business is spending 50% on a newspaper ad and 50% on online marketing and a client comes in the door; what systems are in place to understand the client's path to purchase? Despite various tools available, tracking of marketing campaigns is very much overlooked.  Opportunity Costs - It is a simple concept that is often overlooked in marketing. It is assumed that companies will put their marketing money into the most proven campaigns that show the highest probability for success. This is not always the case and shouldn't be the case. Sure it makes sense to go to the well that provided a good client or two. However, when dealing with limited resources (marketing money), making one decision often comes at the expense of another opportunity. Understand the cost of opportunity decisions is a critical factor for success in internet marketing, since so many opportunities are available but time and money are commodities that must be used wisely to be most efficient.

Effort - The cheapest path to internet marketing success is effort. Whether done by an in house specialist, a technical company or outsourcing avenue, effort is what makes the most efficient marketing campaigns work. Creation of marketing collateral, research, tracking, analysis, networking and content updates are what make a website dynamic entity that has the tools to be successful. This includes blogging, networking, news, testimonials and any update that is both relevant and is capable of generating interest.  Social Networking - One common misconception is that an organization will just create a "viral" video or marketing piece that will make the rounds to bring in business. Although this may happen with certain brands, people or companies, it is no way to begin a marketing campaign. In fact, the latest successful marketing campaigns run concurrently with the social networking world, not instead of. It is not just an alternative to conventional marketing anymore, it is a necessary companion. Why make a TV or radio commercial that runs for a couple months and then ends once the contract is complete? With social networking outlets, that marketing campaign can be extended almost indefinitely by linking that marketing collateral to social networks that target potential clients.
First or Bust - This misconception is based on delusions of grandeur and a natural determination to be the winner in a contest. However, is it worth winning? Everyone wants to be number one for Google, Yahoo and Bing so that they will get the most clients and be the most successful, right? Not necessarily. In fact, being in the first spot with pay per click marketing may attract more non-targeted users that will be paid for, despite the fact that they are not targeted buyers. If too many non-targeted buyers are coming through, perhaps being number two or four or five is more economically efficient for that particular keyword or campaign. Perhaps those wasted funds could be spent elsewhere?

Adjustment - Last but not least is a failure to adjust to the data available. Internet marketing is a dynamic environment where competitors are often changing strategies to remain competitive. Failure to adapt to these adjustments can have a large impact on an overall campaign. Failing to adjust is a common way in which resources are wasted, opportunities are missed and mistakes are made. Ultimately making adjustments is looking at the big picture and making priorities based on results, beliefs and experiments. Those who make the best and fastest adjustments will have a competitive advantage and a road map for success.
With hundreds of websites designed, developed and marketed, Jeremy has spent 14 years honing his skills as a business development specialist. Jeremy has designed and marketed websites and business models in the import/export industry, real estate market, and bio-technology.  Jeremy currently works as the Senior Account Executive at Gatesix, Inc., a web design and development firm.  Jeremy has been educated in Philosophy, Computer Science and Physics and holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business Finance.
Interests include science, music, sports, philosophy and writing.